
Invivo 5.1 Reference Manual Rev D Feb 2011

Reference Manual

92 Pages

I N V I V O 5 . 1 ®  –  P I O N E E R I N G  T H E  N E W  D I M E N S I O N  O F  P A T I E N T  C A R E ™  Table of Contents Table of Contents...3 Introduction ...6 System Requirements ...7 Installing InVivoDental 5.1...9 Feature List...10 Software Layout...11 Basic Features...12 icon key...12 DICOM & InVivo File Loading with the File Manager...12 InVivo File Saving...14 Custom Saving Dialogue...14 Saving As an InVivo Project File...14 Case Information Display...15 Image Capture to File...15 Image Capture to Gallery...16 Image Capture to an Email...16 Image Navigation...17 icon key...17 Slider Bar Scroll ...17 Pan (Shift) ...17 Free Rotate ...18 Increment Rotate ...18 Increment Roll ...18 Anatomical Plane Clipping ...19 Scroll Slice ...19 Move/Rotation Widget...19 Full Screen Mode and Keyboard Shortcuts ...20 Switching to Full Screen Mode...20 Keyboard Shortcuts at Volume Rendering View...20 The View Tabs:...21 Section View Features...21 ANA003 Rev D. 15. Feb. 2011  Page 3 of 92  Copyright 2006 Anatomage, Inc. All rights reserved.
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