Cincinnati Sub-Zero

NORM-O-TEMP Model 111Z Operation and Technical Manual Rev M

Operation and Technical Manual

84 Pages

Operation / Technical Manual  NORM-O-TEMP, Model 111Z  TABLE OF CONTENTS  Technical Help ...10 Before you call for Service... ...10 In-Warranty Repair and Parts ...10 Receiving Inspection ...10 Important Safety Information ...10 NORM-O-TEMP® Operating Instructions Quick Start Guide...11 Section 1. Introduction ... 13 1-0. General Safety Precautions...13 1-1. General Description of this Manual...13 1-2. Description of the NORM-O-TEMP® Hyperthermia System ...14 1-3. Physical Description of the NORM-O-TEMP® System ...14 1-3.1. External Features and Descriptions – Front View ...14 1-3.2. External Features and Descriptions – Left Side View ...17 1-3.3. External Features and Descriptions – Rear View ...19 1-3.4. External Features and Descriptions – Right Side View ...21 1-3.5. External Features and Descriptions – Top View ...22 1-4. Required Accessories ...24 1-5. Functional Description of the NORM-O-TEMP® System ...24 1-5.1. Heating System ...24 1-5.2. Circulating System ...24 1-5.3. Temperature Safety Control System...25 Section 2. Specifications and Certifications ... 26 Section 3. General Preparation of the NORM-O-TEMP® System ... 28 3-0. Introduction...28 3-1. Unpacking the Shipment ...28 3-2. First Time Set-Up / System Test Routine ...28 3-2.1. Inspecting and Arranging the Equipment ...28 3-2.2. Completing a System Test Routine...30 3-3. Unit and Patient Related Precautions ...32 3-4. Patient Preparation and Bedside Care...32 3-5. Alarms and Error Displays ...33 Section 4. Operating the NORM-O-TEMP® System ... 35 4-0. Introduction...35 4-1. Arranging the System Components ...35 4-2. Operating the NORM-O-TEMP® System...36 4-3. Concluding the Use of the NORM-O-TEMP® System...37 Section 5. General Maintenance of the NORM-O-TEMP® System ... 38 5-0. Introduction...38 5-1. Maintenance of Water Reservoir ...41 5-1.1. Internal Clean using Bleach / Dry Storage Procedure ...41 5-1.2. Internal Cleaning and Disinfecton Using Gigasept FF / Dry Storage Procedure ...42 5-1.3. Internal Cleaning and Disinfection Using Maranon H / Dry Storage Procedure ...44 5-1.4. Draining the Reservoir ...45 5-1.5. Replenishing the Reservoir / Fixing a Low Water Alarm ...46 5-2. Maintenance of the Water Filter ...46 5-3. Maintenance of the NORM-O-TEMP® Exterior – Cleaning Instructions ...47 5-4. Maintenance of the Hyper-Hypothermia Blanket / Pad(s) ...48 5-4.1. Cleaning / Maintenance of Reusable Blanket / Pad(s) ...48 5-4.2. Cleaning / Maintenance of Disposable, Single-Patient Use Blanket / Pad(s) ...48 Section 6. Field Repair / Service of the NORM-O-TEMP®... 49  Page 7 of 84
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